The pelvic floor provides support for the organs in our lower abdomen, sphincteric control to maintain bowel and bladder continence, and stability for postural control of the trunk. When the pelvic floor muscles are altered through childbirth, trauma, or stress, one or more of the functions noted above can be affected. At GMSPT, we utilize a hands-on approach and patient centered care to help you build confidence and regain control of your life.
What to Expect
Evaluation: During your initial evaluation, your physical therapist will ask you questions related to your bowel and bladder health. Together, you will discuss your goals and come up with a treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs. Your therapist will show you a model of the pelvic floor, explain all related muscles, nerves, and structures, and answer any questions you may have prior to the initial assessment. The initial assessment consists of a thorough pelvic floor muscle examination to determine the condition and function of your pelvic floor region.
Treatment: Treatment for the pelvic floor muscles may include, but is not limited to manual therapy, muscular strengthening and/or relaxation exercises for the pelvic floor muscles, breathing exercises, postural training, and diet and wellness education.
Conditions We Treat
Common Conditions
- Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction
- Incontenince
- Overactive Bladder
- Constipation
- Pregnancy
- Pre and Post-partum Related Conditions
- Diastis Recti
- Pain
- Pelvic Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Pain with Intercourse
Our patients are usually referred by a physician or surgeon, including general practitioners, obstetricians, gynecologists, urologists, or oncologists.
Patients may also make an appointment for an evaluation prior to implementing a treatment. Please contact us for more information by emailing