GMSPT: A respected partner in getting worker’s back to work.
Since 1981, GMSPT has worked closely with physicians, employers, case managers, attorney's, and more importantly, patients, to facilitate returning injured workers to work as soon as possible. Our therapists have experience with the Workers' Comp system and provide adequate communication with decisionmakers to assist in making choices on returning an injured worker to their optimum ability.
Easy Appointments:
Our extended hours of operation make it easier to schedule appointments, assisting injured worker's who continue to work, schedule around work hours. Our Worker's Comp Liason is very experienced with coordinating authorization paperwork to keep the provider and case manager informed of the injured worker's visits and authorization status. In addition to excellent front office staff, our team of rehabilitation specialists treats the injured worker with dignity and skill, in an effort to rehabilitate them to return to a functional role in the workplace.
Work Conditioning/FCE’s/Post-offer Employment testing:
When a worker has been injured, GMSPT can assist the treating physician in making the decision as to when the worker is ready to return to work. Sometimes a worker's rehabilitation program will include simulation of the worker's job duties, and we have ample equipment to reproduce many tasks. We have boxes, carts, sleds, shelves, nuts/bolts, tools and computerized testing using a BTE system for work simulation. Many of our past cases have included Flight Attendants to firefighters, police officers to construction workers; Executives and professional athletes. A more formal assessment of an injured workers ability to perform work can be quantified using a Functional Capacity Evaluation, which also provides validity testing and consistency of effort. GMSPT will focus on providing the best care available and we take pride in seeing our patients return to a functional role in society.